Our Unique Offering
Stepscan revolutionizes the sports industry by providing valuable insights into athletic performance with groundbreaking technology for plantar pressure measurement and movement analysis.
The Stepscan System captures and analyzes a variety of movements and stances including walking, running, jumping, squatting, handstands, etc. Stepscan footprint analytics provide valuable insight into athletic performance and allow for sophisticated coaching input based on real time performance tracking.
The objective measures provided by the Stepscan System provide reliable evidence, supporting treatment plans and return-to-play decisions, encouraging player compliance, and better protecting players’ health.
About Stepscan
Stepscan Technologies was kick-started in 2012 with the award of a $1.4 M Atlantic Innovation Award to build a pressure sensitive flooring system and software that tracks and analyzes how people walk. Today, Stepscan is a state-of-the-art computerized mobility assessment technology. Through the use of an innovative electronic, modular floor tile system with proprietary software, Stepscan’s technology tracks patterns in gait and balance as subjects move across the floor.
Our technology has multiple applications and is being used in several verticals including medical research and clinical rehabilitation, physiotherapy, sports performance assessments, military training and virtual simulation, and now security applications. Stepscan’s gait and balance technology is used internationally, by rehabilitation specialists in hospitals and medical researchers in universities, to provide objective measures of patients’ walking ability and balance function.
Stepscan is trusted by some of the world’s most prestigious institutions including the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne Australia, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Affairs Canada, the University of California, the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, and the University of New Brunswick.
Stepscan Users say they love our system because it is versatile, time efficient (assessments take less than 10 minutes), easy to use, and our reports are easy to navigate and interpret. Furthermore, objective measures and our proprietary change-over-time global scoring makes it easy to track individuals’ progress over time.
- Accurate & Reliable Data
- Time Efficient Assessments
- Expandable and Customizable Platform Size
- Objective, Evidence-Based Decisions
- Track Progress and Monitor Rehabilitation
- Reputable: Registered Medical Device
The Stepscan system’s pressure sensitive electronic floor tiles capture reliable and accurate movement data. Expandable and customizable sizing allows for a variety of applications, using as little as a single floor tile for balance assessments, or laying of complete floor systems for dynamic analyses.
Seamless data collection tracks the miniscule movements that equate to performance advantages in the fractions of a second in which they occur. Automated, easy-to-interpret reports make assessments convenient and results accessible. A cloud enabled database allows analyses to be stored and compared to track an athlete’s performance and progress.
Stepscan is the only medical plantar pressure measurement device in North America engineered to meet the technical requirements and performance standards developed by the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics (i-FAB) Community’s Pedobarographic Group and is approved as a Class I medical device by U.S. FDA and Health Canada.

How Stepscan Is Revolutionizing Sports Assessments
Concussion Testing and Monitoring
The Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) is an objective measure of assessing static postural stability that was developed at the University of North Carolina and can be used to assess the effects of mild head injury on static postural stability.
It has been the standard for concussion and TBI testing in the sports and rehabilitative medicine industries for years.
The Stepscan system can be used by clinicians in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of concussion and other traumatic brain injury. Stepscan’s Concussion software module records a person’s underfoot pressure and balance statistics as they complete a BESS test.
The Stepscan concussion assessment module combines the BESS score with other clinically relevant parameters of sway and balance to provide a more finely resolved balance score report. Information obtained by the Stepscan system can assist sports therapists, coaches, and team managers to make return-to-play decisions following head injuries.

Interested in learning more?
Explore a sample report or talk to a Stepscan Product Specialist to see what Stepscan can do for you.